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Showing posts from October, 2019

To Tell the Truth

Is it Wrong to tell people About Jesus? I have recently discovered a Barna report which explains that some people find it to be morally wrong to evangelize. First of all, let me say why I think this is the case. Under the guise of postmodernism, people believe that truth is in the subject, rather than the object. Truth is relative, in other words. If your truth is different than my truth, then it would be a severe problem, nay, a moral trespass, to offer someone a different truth that would cause them to leave their own truth. It would be offensive, and morally wrong, if it were the case that truth is relative. For instance, if it were true for me that Mormonism was the way I saw reality, then to change my reality to biblical Christianity would be disastrous. It seems that harming one’s reality should be a reason for concern, but the problem is, what if the way someone views the world does not correspond to the truth? If the truth is not in us (the subject) bu