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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Heart of an Apologist

As apologists, we defend the faith against everything that goes against the Christian faith. It is easy to think of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons , and even Buddhists and Eastern religions, and even Islam and Judaism . All of these have a focus pointing outward from the Christian faith. What about inward? I’m sure you have all heard the teaching that when you point at someone you have three fingers pointing back at you. In other words, it is saying look who’s talking .  Many of us are able to diffuse arguments against Christianity , such as from atheism , etc., and having degrees in theology and apologetics, I have seen how it really helps with confidence in sharing the faith and how it organized my thoughts when discussing religion and spirituality with people, but what about when it comes to me? Do I have the right answers? The right heart? I look at a couple verses in the Bible mentioning the condition of the heart, and it makes me wonder about my own. Proverbs 4:23

Is it Worth the Risk?

How much courage do you have in the face of risk? What types of risks are you willing to take? I remember in 8 th grade, my health teacher, Mrs. Morrison, was discussing the idea that we take risks even by getting out of bed in the morning. We drive to school or work and we put faith in the yellow lines on the road that will keep us safe from harm. We risk our lives at some level or another every day. As Christians, we all have friends and relatives who are of a different belief system than our own. We might be cousins, neighbors, friends, or siblings with a Mormon ( see also ) , a Jehovah’s Witness , a Buddhist , or a Jew , and often we are very close to them. We love them, we care for them and we think about their concept of reality and truth. At the same time, we know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one comes to the Father but through Him (John 14:6), and that they do not have the real, biblical Jesus (1 John 5:11-12). The thought of this can be