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Showing posts from January, 2016

Answering Trinitarian Questions

Arguing with any Christian cult member in the U.S. can be quite difficult and challenging if you are not careful with your words, facial expressions, body language and overall demeanor. All of the books on witnessing and personal experiences that tell you not to begin the conversation with the Trinity are probably correct. Often, people will put a barrier up because they think it is the most illogical idea they have ever thought about. The problem is, if you are well mannered long enough, chances are you will have the opportunity to see them again… and again… and again. This is actually a short-term goal, believe it or not. When we find ourselves witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses , for example, we most likely will not win them over instantly. Think about it. How would you feel about giving up Christianity? Put yourself in their shoes. They do not want to leave. They are comfortable, they are confidant, and they are committed in and to their religion . The same goes with Mormons