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Showing posts from 2015

Three reasons Christians are shying away from teaching their kids to believe in Santa Claus.

I grew up believing in Santa Claus. I have some experiences with my dad that I now look back on with bewilderment. One time when I was very young, my dad was going outside and I asked him where he was going. He told me that he was going to throw corn on the roof of the house in order to feed the reindeer (I assumed that it was so they could eat while Santa was busy stuffing his fat butt through the chimney). Either he asked me, or I asked him if I could come and help. He said yes, of course. So he pulled a bucket of corn (dried corn on the ear , mind you) from the garage and there we were, throwing corn on the roof in the snow. I remember seeing several of the cobs rolling down into the gutter, but some of them stayed where they landed. In any event, it hadn’t crossed my mind that Santa was a fraud at this time in my life. Every time I saw a jet fly way above our house, I thought it was Rudolph, the red-nosed-reindeer because all I saw was a blinking red light. One Christmas morning,

The Erastus Inscription... What does it mean?

When I rented a motorcycle and drove to Corinth from Athens, I had no idea how easy it was to get lost in the city of Athens. The fact that driving in Athens is a complete nightmare aside, the people I rented the motorcycle from told me the day before I was going to rent the motorcycle that I would definitely have a GPS unit on the bike. When I arrived to pick it up, they said they didn’t have any more GPS units available. Lucky me. So, having burned the image of the country of Greece into my mind before traveling there, I figured my graciously enduring wife and I could make it to Corinth with moderate ease. Here is the tiny rented motorcycle with 88,000 miles on it. Corinth is located west of the great city of Athens exactly 86.8 kilometers (53.9 miles). Knowing this from the map in my head, I figured I would use the sun to get there. If I found a main highway I would keep the sun in the left of my scope of vision (because it was close to noon), and I would be driving