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Showing posts from April, 2014

The Gospel of Jesus' Wife?

Update: This fragment has been proven to be a fake. There have been several reports lately that the “gospel of Jesus’ wife” is probably not a fake after all. Whether or not the manuscript is real, as in, whether or not it was written in the 8 th century, doesn’t really matter. The canon has been closed for centuries before that. Now, bear with me: The canon was closed because people knew which biblical manuscripts were truthful. In other words, people included the books of the Bible that they did because they fell under requirements for the canon (for a few examples, they must be written by either an apostle of Jesus or a disciple of an apostle). So then, if the “gospel of Jesus’ wife” were written in the 8 th century, which would mean that it would have been written before that as well, because of the statements in the manuscript such as, “ she will be able to be my disciple ” implies that an eye-witness was with Jesus when He said that. Now, if you think about it, the writ